Kid’s Keepsake Organization

All the things we keep that our children create can become an overwhelming pile of indecision if we don’t have a system that keeps our decision-making to a minimum. These are the simple decisions that I like to stick to.

  1. Do we need to keep it? Yes or No?

  2. Get rid of what we don’t need to keep.

  3. File it.

I also have a small bin that I keep in my garage for items my children say they want to keep, but I think may not be keepsakes. Those items go there and I will purge those at a later time if they have not asked for them in a few months’ time, which is almost always the case.

Here is the super simple system I use to keep all those wonderful little keepsakes my kids have brought home or created at home. One day I plan on putting it all in a digital form, but until then all of these items need to go somewhere, right?

I love using a heavy-duty clear file box with a joint lid that opens on the front and back. I like it because it’s easy to add items or grab items needed without pulling it out to open the lid.

Then just use basic hanging folders and label them with the years and categories you would want. You could use different color hanging folders for each child.

I like to use a label maker, but you could easily write each category in with a permanent marker as well. I also used a sticker to label the box but you could create any number of labels that suits your style to have your child’s name on it. I used a sticker and a white pen to write their name on it because that’s what I had on hand.

These are the files I keep:

(A total of 26 but you could omit one to make it fit into a neat 25 - Hanging folders normally come in packs of 25…make it work for you):

•Love notes





•Pre K


•First Grade

•Second Grade

•Third Grade

•Fourth Grade

•Fifth Grade

•Sixth Grade

•Seventh Grade

•Eighth Grade

•Ninth Grade

•Tenth Grade

•Eleventh Grade

•Twelfth Grade


•Report Cards



•School Pictures



Below are Amazon links to the items used for this project: (may earn a commission on Amazon link purchases)

Letter Size Plastic Storage Bins:

Basic Hanging Folders:

Hope this helps with organizing your kid's keepsakes.

Cheers to happy organized keepsaking,



Books for Mom


A journey begins with a single step